ICEfaces have published a facelets-tutorial
Deployment instructions were limited so I downloaded and unzipped the source file into the samples folder provided with ICEfaces-1.7.2-SP1.
ant help ant clean ant tomcat6.0
I then copied dist/facelets-tutorial.war to tomcat-6.0/webapps… localhost…log showed:
Feb 21, 2009 11:11:07 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext listenerStart SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linking javax/el/ELResolver class at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(
Incompatibility between the EL included with ICEfaces and the EL provided with Tomcat 6? Stopping Tomcat, removing webapps/facelets-tutorial/web/WEB-INF/lib/el-api.jar and restarting provides a quick fix. Closer inspection of the facelets-tutorial build.xml reveals it has entries obsoleted by the newer version of samples/etc/build-common.xml and so is still including jars not needed or desired with Tomcat 6.